Sharing expertise on clean energy, sustainability, and innovative technologies.

Through conferences, exhibitions, critique, and guest lectures, Nix champions the importance of forward-thinking and collaborative solutions for our evolving world.

Teaching & Critique


Clean energy modeling for buildings and cities

MIT Startup Exchange, 2020

Mapdwell uses advanced data analytics, including machine learning and satellite imagery, to identify energy opportunities – exploring the significance of understanding energy consumption patterns and potentials, with the broader aim of advancing the green economy and ensuring a sustainable future. MIT Startup Exchange actively promotes collaboration and partnerships between MIT-connected startups and industry.

Free Clean Energy

UN Climate Change Conference / Sustainia, 2015

As part of the United Nations Climate Change Conference (UNCCC) conference in Paris, Nix presented Mapdwell's technological advances in the context of consideration for the Sustainia Award along with a vision of the future that captures the infinite energy from our star.

Built by YOU

One Spark Innovation Festival, 2014

A discussion about innovative opportunities for real estate development and novel financing mechanisms through recent changes to SEC Regulation D Rule 504 – whereby creators can have a vision for their community and can make projects happen through an innovative distributed capital stack, and enthusiastic community members can help shape their neighborhoods by investing in germane projects and sharing in their success.

Solar System

MIT Information and Communication Technologies Conference, 2013

Mapdwell Solar System addresses climate change by providing open-access information about the solar power potential of buildings and empowers communities to take action. The annual MIT Information & Communication Technologies Conference explores the latest ICT research from across the Institute and its potential impact across industries.


Reinventing Energy in our Cities

Exelon Corporation Innovation Expo, 2018

Presenting Mapdwell’s work in context of greater ongoing partnerships with Exelon Corporate Innovation office and Exelon Utilities for the Solar Calculator. Exelon's Innovation Expo is an event that highlights the array of talent across the company and its partners.


stArt Gallery & WFU, 2016

Kicking off a monthlong solo exposition of work that weaves seemingly “random” experiences at and beyond Wake Forest together with the mathematical concept of randomness and its place as a touchstone in Monte Carlo analysis, financial modeling and risk assessment, physics-based simulations of light and heat, 3D modeling and graphics rendering, and machine learning. Featured personal works as well as a selection of projects showcasing published MoDe Studio and Mapdwell works.

d3 Natural Systems: The Alleyway School

Gallery MC, September 2013

Award-winning competition entry with Andreas Tjeldflaat on showcase in show featuring works from architects, designers, engineers, and students “exploring the potential for ecologically-grounded and sustainable design influences in urbanism, architecture, interiors, and designed objects.” Show hosted at Gallery MC in New York City.

Architecture as Memory

ACC Meeting of the Minds, 2008

An analysis of wartime architectural artifacts and their importance today forming not only a look into the past but also into the present and future; a contemporary and progressive perspective helps to examine current issues of wartime/reconstruction tribulations and arguments, and offer insight on the effect of war and peace on the design of today’s architecture and cityscapes. Research made possible by Richter Scholarship Grant and Wake Forest University.

Tau Protein Pathology in Alzheimer’s Disease

Intel International Science and Engineering Fair, 2003

Second Place in Gerontology at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) in Cleveland, Ohio for project entitled “Organization of Specific Phosphorylation Sites on the Longest Human Tau Isoform in Alzheimer’s Disease.“ The Intel ISEF is the world’s largest pre-college science fair competition. 🤓